New Photos on request
New Photos on order. - Special Photo Service.
Request a photo
If there is need for special photos, themes or motives not present in the stock, we may photograph new ones in most categories, on order.
If you have any illustration ideas or requests, just ask an we will try help to fulfill your need, finding the right type of illustrations. Be it photo, drawing or a combination.
Low prices! - Due to low costs.
Because we are a small company, it gives clients opportunities for good bargains on our products. Since Formdesign does not charge for high administration and PR costs, we can deliver products at lower prices than the established bigger companies.
Low prices! In the start period for our online world wide services, we promise prices in the lower range. In this period prices may also be discussed.
Our general policy is to never be among the highest charging companies, later on, after the start perid. This give the first customers an uniqe possibility for bargain hunting. Please see the Web Shop for more details on prices.
Special photos
Any ideas... Or need something you want to illustrate, just ask us.
Please see the Galleries main page, and the photos at the galleries, for further ideas.
And for drawing ideas, please see the Graphics main page for Vector Drawings and Publishing.
2 exsample pages for drawings:Decoration drawings and
Logo drawings
We have photographic experience from Fine Art, Freelance, Photographer Studio, Newspapers, Magazines. Also specialized in Nature, Industry, Portraits and Objects. - Please see the Company page for details.
Order new photos in the Photo Shop.
The Web Shop contains two departments, the Photo Shop for photos, and the Graphics Shop. The Grapichs Shop offers Web Design and other electronic and print publishing illustrations and publishing.
- The Photo Shop offers photos from our galleries storage, and eventually new photos on order.
- The Grapichs Shop offers Web Design and illustrations and other electronic and print publishing.
- Vector drawings for illustrations may be made on order.
Photos and Web Design
Our main services are the photos and web design.
Photos in the galleries, we offer readily available from storage.
New Photos on order, from customer requests. These will be avilable in the galleries, after completed photo session, if they are of general interest.
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