Asnes Project
Projects department: Hill top house. | Asnes, by the sea | The Troll Castle | RockOpera Project | Scaffolds Projects
House building and landscape consequence analysis.
Landscape consequence analysis, with photo manipulation.
A landscape consequence analysis. Photo manipulation and Landscape Architecture, in connection with three house building permission applications.
Documentation for projects.
Project visualizing, from idea to reality. Documentation with photos, drawings, and calculations.
One of the model photos of the first building application.
The three building projects drawn into a map. The yellow planned road, was suggested to be replaced by the much shorter dark brown, to save some landscape.
Local authority initially permitted high building in the righmost front row, in this low seaside landscape, as illustrated in the three axis of buildings.
An alternative lower profile was suggested, in the Asnes Terraces solution.
- By building low, all would keep most of the precious view out the fiord.
Buildings from another model photo, manipulated into a Formdesign photo of the existing landscape and summer cabins.
We do not say much more.
These approved building permissions speaks for them selves. How the building authorities want to neglect the seaside nature preservation laws, in this vulnerable precious seaside. A mountainous landscape grinded down by the ice of the ice ages.
Projects department: Hill top house. | Asnes, by the sea | The Troll Castle | RockOpera Project | Scaffolds Projects
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