Web Design
Graphics Department: | Web Design | Graphic Design | Vector Decor | Vector Logos
Website developing and maintenance
Web design with CSS Design - The future is here.
- CSS Positioning. Page layout with Cascading Style Sheets, for positioning of page elements.
- CSS separate style sheets for basic page and text appearance. By separating the html content and the formating styles, the html pages are much smaller. Html pagesize with CSS may be one tenth of a traditional html page, where html styles are embedded in the page.
Fast loading of pages with CSS! CSS separate styles reduces the all important page loading times. Users browsing the internet are an impatient lot, and soon moves to new pages, if the page loading are to slow.
Smaller sizes of transfers with CSS, when the user downloads the pages for display, is an added bonus with CSS. The size of transfers may be big if many visits the site. This may mean Gigabytes saved, for the users, and the server where the web site is hosted.
Maintaining is easier with CSS! Additionally, behind the scene; the CSS pages are much simpler to maintain, update and change styles. This gives much lower running costs.
Old fashioned Table, and FrameSet page layout?
If you want these technologies for the web site. We may also create sites with these older systems, if requested.
- But keep in mind, the bigger sizes of the pages.
More about Web design will come, but for now, enjoy a picture
- and please have a look at the galleries, and illustrations.
Galleries main page. Photo and galleries info.
Graphics main page. Vector Publishing and Drawings main page.
2 drawing exsample pages: Decoration drawings and
Logo drawings
Or a little about the Company.
Horses and Tree in evening sun
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