The RockOpera Projects
Projects department: Hill top house. | Asnes, by the sea | The Troll Castle | RockOpera Project | Scaffolds Projects
The RockOpera - The Midnight Forest.
Scaffold drawings for planning the RockOpera.
Scaffold drawings used to show construction solution for The Rock Opera - The Midnight Forest. For the band Northwind.
The Rock Opera examples.
- International opera festival. Outdoor stage, with need for a roof.
- In an old Cinema. Inside this building we had to construct light boom scaffolds, for the spotlights. And needed to calculate these, to verify it was no danger for the public below. When the light specialists appeared, they were impressed at the solution.
Ducumentation for the RockOpera projects.
In some of the playing places it was neccessary with calculations, accompanied by drawings.
The Midnight Forest weatherproofing the outdoor stage.
Scaffold platforms for the musicians. Roof construction for the outdoor stage.
A long term roof to be used for all participants during the festival.
The Midnight Forest stage scaffolds and roof beams.
Front drawing The RockOpera at International Opera Festival.
The scaffolds dressed up for the public display.
Inside cinema. The light booms and scaffolds seen from left.
RockOpera inside cinema building. Light booms and scaffolds seen from top.
Projects department: Hill top house. | Asnes, by the sea | The Troll Castle | RockOpera Project | Scaffolds Projects
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